Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Rubbermatt The Early Years - Volume Four

Rubbermatt The Early Years - Volume FourBy: Rubbermatt

 Rubbermatt presents Premier Archive Volume Four.
A collection of 50 images.

These are the voyages of the starship Rubbermatt, his continuing mission to perv where no one has perved before .....

All of my Premier work from the very first days to the present collated and served up in convenient bite sized pieces, collect them all, impress your friends and strike fear into the heart of your enemies.

From February to Yuletide of 2006 the great Babbage engine, a dull black monolith that dominated the room, chugged away. The electric meter spinning so fast it glowed red from air friction.
It was a year of great hope as broadband finally reached my benighted corner of this fair isle, but also a time of great sadness as one of my inspirations, Bob Carlos Clarke, took his own life.

ADMIN NOTE: This artwork was produced in 2006 and was cutting edge for the 3D rendering technology available at the time.  This volume should be considered a Collector's Item for Rubbermatt fans or anyone who appreciates extreme rubber and latex erotica.

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