Monday, February 2, 2015

Kamyron M4

Kamyron M4 
 By: Katt
 His eyes will seek to hold you while he reaches into your soul, finding the light and the dark within.

Kamyron has had a rough life, and has the damage to show. Some of the marks he bears are old ... but some are new. Some of these damages are still healing, yet some are fresh and still raw ... he is damaged inside and out.

He has covered his skin with bad boy skull tattoos ... trying to keep the darkness in ... or is he trying to keep it out? Who knows .... his soul, like his body, is damaged by the life he has led, not all of by choice.

There are a variety of options to mix & match the tattoos, as well as multiple combinations provided for the damaged skin. Make him your bad boy today!

For this package you need:
Michael 4 Base
Michael 4 Morphs++
Poser 6+

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