Monday, February 2, 2015

Poser Vendor Help 101 Video Tutorial

Poser Vendor Help 101 Video Tutorial 
By: Darkseal
 Warning: Virtual Nudity, Rated R... Level: Beginner to Intermediate

In this "Poser Vendor Help 101" Tutorial we will talk about the many things you will need to know about making Poser content. Many people see developers as a group of magic goblins hoarding their secret methods away like piles of gold... this is not the case. There are so many things to know and learn about perfecting the art of Poser creation it is hard to know where to start. I will attempt to explain what I have learned about fixing and creating content over the last dozen years in about 5 hours. Please note, this tutorial is not for someone who has never tried to make content before. I have many tutorials explaining "how to make X"... This tutorial is meant to help anyone trying to make content for the market... and having a bit of trouble...

Join me and in the next 5 hours We will talk about:

What's Legal?
What Programs do you need?
How to make a Developers version of a figure
Changing Version Numbers
Relative Paths in your files
How to Remove Geometry from Props
Make your Materials into Material Poses for Figures and Props
Making a Partial Pose, a pose with Scale, a Pose with Morphs
Morphs in Daz Figures, What's Different?!
How to Make a PMD Injection
How to Fix broken Geometry's Internal Naming groups
Common Reproducible BUGS
How to Hack your Cr2 File
Fixing Textures in 2d and 3d
What should be in a Readme File
Get your item Market ready

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