Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Henrika's M4 Beard I

Henrika's M4 Beard I 
 Henrika's M4 Beard I
 Ever wondered why there's no realistic looking beards available for Michael, or anyone else? No more of that!

This set contains 3 smartpropped beard props parented to M4's head. Every strand of hair is its own geometrical figure; something that makes this product unique and produces incredibly lifelike results.

Included in this set:
- 3 beard props (full beard, goatee, and thick full beard)
- 5 materials (black, blond, brown, ginger, and lite brown)
- 6 expression morphs (mouth open, mouth open wide, smile simple, smile open, lips pucker, lip top up)
Though created with M4 in mind, these props will fit any figure with only minor tweaking. 

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