Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Lollipop3D's Imprisoned
Lollipop3d is happy to present our Imprisoned Pose set. 
A stand alone follow up to our previous 'Interrogate' set.
The poses were built inside and should be used with !3-D-Cs Forgotten Basement 
from the Apocalyptika series.  The poses will work in any poser scene, but you 
will find they move to non-zero locations. 
An extra pose for the Mattress prop in that set is 
included should you choose to use that set.   
Included in this set:
3 Poses V4+M4 (6 total)
6 Poses V4+M4/M4 (18 total)
9 Camera Presets ( 1 for each Pose set. )
These poses were created with an 'Imprisoned' story in mind and were built in
a linear fashion, allowing you the freedom to tell the story.

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